Johnny Camera

Countdown to Launch

Our life savings, our time, our energy, our passions, our dreams. From April we will be launching Stories Like Us full time. We are leaving well paid jobs to make this stuff full time. We are committed to making online content and apps designed to inspire, encourage and uplift anyone who is chasing a dream.


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Julie Kertesz

Takeaways from ‘Julie Kertesz: On Becoming a Stand-up Comedienne at 77 Years Young’

There is a lot to learn from Julie’s story. We’ve transcribed what she said in yesterday’s video so we can takeaway insights from this wise DreamChaser.

My name is Julie Kertesz. I’m now past 80. I do many different things, of course. I am Toastmaster, public speaking clubs. I am photographer. I love taking photos and showing people. I am stand-up comedian, which I began when I was 77, only. I am a personal storyteller. I love telling personal stories because I think they can inspire others. Give ideas. Give courage.

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